We love discussing amongst ourselves on topics both light and loaded. Consult this page occasionally for info on events and such.

We are big believers in the power of gatherings, even small ones. Or large-but-virtual ones, until we’re able to be back together in person. Looking forward to that happy day, when we’ll see you all live and in shoes.

Just a phase.   And phases fizzle.

Just a phase. And phases fizzle.

Career rut. Hamster wheel. Non-idyllic boss situation. Just know that whatever impossibly frustrating phase you’re wishing would end NOW is just a phase, and will end soon. Join our Lead Like a Mother panel chat on why and how to ride it out.

The workplace is fluid, so at some point, things will change, and you’ll rally like the pro you are. Responsibilities will shift, problematic people will move on. New opportunities will present themselves. So our one word of advice when you most want to throw in the towel? Don’t.

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Past Event: Totally here for you. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Past Event: Totally here for you. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Three highly accomplished leaderly types talk about being more there-there. Even when you’re not. Panelists Lisa Hake, the VP Marketing and Communications at Great Clips, April Anslinger, Global CMO of Self-Esteem Brands, and Cathy Metzger, Retail Director at Sleep Number zero in on leadership, mentorship and sponsorship. And the importance of making yourself available and investing in the up-and-comers – even when we’re not all as on-site as we used to be.

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Past Event: Championing Hope. Surviving Loss.

Past Event: Championing Hope. Surviving Loss.


A virtual heart-to-heart with two mother-leaders on maintaining hope through life’s lowest of lows.

An intense-but-encouraging, no-pretense talk about how to rally each morning ready to pour into others when you’re reeling from trauma yourself. Lead Like a Mother founder Lynne Robertson chats with longtime friend and colleague Emily Callahan, Chief Marketing and Experience Officer for ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – both of whom have the shared experience of recovering from profound personal loss.

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Past Event: Endorphins and Optimism.

Past Event: Endorphins and Optimism.


If you missed the live event, or were interrupted by at-home learners or an exceptionally needy dog – good news. We recorded it.

A well-spent hour and a half virtual chat with three fierce brand marketer-moms from Self-Esteem Brands. Skipping from favorite TV moms to how COVID has wreaked havoc on the fitness biz (and our psyches). A discussion on handling demanding contingency plans, shifting with contortionist-level flexibility and leading through with trapeze-artist trust during the most unusual times.

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